Opposing Energy Transitions: Modeling the Contested Nature of Energy Transitions in the Electricity Sector (Pages 292-312)
Opposing Energy Transitions: Modeling the Contested Nature of Energy Transitions in the Electricity Sector
Opposing Energy Transitions: Modeling the Contested Nature of Energy Transitions in the Electricity Sector
A Micro Model of Problem Definition and Policy Choice: Issue Image, Issue Association, and Policy Support of Power Plants
Household Costs and Resistance to Germany’s Energy Transition
Exploring Aggregate vs. Relative Public Trust in Administrative Agencies that Manage Spent Nuclear Fuel in the United States
Political Candidates and the Energy Issue: Nuclear Power Position and Electoral Success
Resistance to Energy Transitions
A 21st Century Low‐Carbon Transition in U.S. Electric Power: Extent, Contributing Factors, and Implications
What Political Settings Promote Renewable Energy Investments by Energy Utilities?—A Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Swiss Cantons Benjamin Schmid Basil Bornemannhttps://doi.org/10.1002/epa2.1055